The Ospitalità Italiana award is only given to restaurants that are fully verified by a series of requirements.
It's not easy, but it's worth it!
And we got it!!!
Created in 1997...
Ospitalità Italiana is a quality seal in the hospitality industry, being highly recognized by the Italian Government. Created in 1997 to protect consumers, traditions of Italian agriculture and it’s food, Italian gastronomic culture, and the network of certified enterprises. These companies are made up of more than 5,000 Italian hotels, restaurants, and holiday farms. Overseas, the certification is only available to restaurants and more than 1000 have been recognized worldwide.
Requisite of Candidacy
The requisites originate from Ospitalita’ Italiana objectives that are:
– To promote the traditions of Italian agriculture and food products
– To enhance the Italian gastronomic culture and the image of Italian Restaurants abroad
– To guarantee respect towards the high standard of Italian Hospitality
In order to achieve the goals above, a 10-points checklist states the pre-requisites for the candidates:
1. The restaurant must engage at least one person able to interact with the clients in Italian (verified during the evaluation visit)
2. The restaurant should have one or more typical Italian elements.
3. The menu should be also written in the correct Italian language.
4. The menu should mostly include (51%) of dishes and recipes of the Italian tradition.
5. Description of the ingredients of at least 5 recipes of the Italian tradition included in the menu. Indication of the Regions/Zones of origin of the ingredients that mostly characterizes
each recipe.
6. The wine list should include at least 20% of DOP Italian wines.
7. It should be foreseen for the customer the availability of extra virgin DOP olive oil.
8. The restaurant should have at least one person in the kitchen who could attest his/her own
experience/proficiency in Italian cooking.
9. The restaurant is required a commitment declaration to make known and enhance the culture and the instrument of the designation of origin, whether Italian or local.
10. The restaurant is required to list the main DOP products used.